I can’t watch the news now without filling with such a variety of angers. Tonight’s topics of discussion – the debate over the renewal of the UK’s nuclear “deterrent”, ‘Trident’; an investigation into dodgy governmental business deals with the Saudis regarding Typhoon fighter jets; a former Russian spy’s death and the resulting “tensions” between our governments…
Not only are all these stories covered with the bloody fingerprints of those in power, but also, tragically, the journalism on telly saddles up beside that power. If any critiques are offered they are tangential (e.g. cost, rather than illegality or immorality – see Trident “debate”), or whispered, or presented by ‘unrespectable’ or ‘controversial’ sources.
You maybe think I’ve lost it.
Please read independent media.
(I recommend signing up to their mailing list)
who get sourced articles from many publications around the world)
Think about telling your MP to vote against Trident's renewal.
More info at CND

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