There is no ideological purity. There is no righteousness in our actions. All concerns are ditched in the face of necessity and, too frequently, convenience. The compromises pile up as we shop in supermarkets that destroy third world economies and the lives of those struggling to survive; Christ knows, even ‘FairTrade’ falls embarrassingly short of fairness. The compromises soar as we drive our cars and fly in planes to our holiday and work destinations, every minute adding to the destruction of our planet. The blood is on our hands as our taxes fund the arms industry. The pile of compromise rises and finds form as we cast our vote and thus legitimise the current 'photocopy' representative democracy where decisions that affect us are made without us, and that affect others are done in our name. At best we are forced hypocrites, cursing our wallets as we feed and clothe ourselves while standing on the backs of others, cursing our ballot papers as we decry the politicians. Curse our failure, us forced hypocrites, there is no righteousness in our actions.
dude, i'm officially 'onto' your blog. you write really well man. i'll come back and read a lot more when i finish my final final exam on monday. it was great to run into in belfast a month or two ago. must keep in touch. you beautiful man you.
Yeah... you write really well. With all the blogs and bebo sites these days the world is drowning in a salt water of words but what you write can definitly be consumed... hope you do something with this ability!
Pete R
How true Cazi as the good book says:There is no one righteous, not even one. We must all beat our breast and say' Be merciful to me a sinner.'
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