Having had a heavenly conversation with Cary and Pete in preparation for the next ikon gathering, the idea popped into our heads of a miracle in which nothing and everything changes.
On the Sabbath Day, Jesus stood among the people by the Pool of Bethesda. Amidst the crowd’s chatter, one voice stirred a commotion, piercing the air with a desperate plea, “Teacher! Teacher! Have mercy on me as you did Bartimaeus!”. This man who spoke was blind from birth and had begged under one of the alcoves by this pool for many years.
Jesus approached the beggar and asked, “What is it that you want me to do for you?” The man paused, then replied, “Son of David, you know what it is I lack”. With this Jesus embraced the man and said, “Faith is a gift, and it is your faith that has you restored.”
Although his eyes were as cloudy as before, the old man lifted songs of joy and thanks to heaven, holding his cane tightly all the while. Many people laughed at the spectacle and someone in the crowd addressed the old man, “Beggar, why do you sing praises? Nothing has changed! You are still blind!”
The man replied with a wide smile, “Brother, you are right to say ‘nothing has changed’, and yet also I tell you everything has changed. One thing I know: I remain blind, yet now I see.”
The crowd slowly dispersed in puzzlement wondering what miracle they had witnessed.
(Slightly edited version here)
love that.. thank you
sometimes it's not the obvious that needs changing is it? or at least nothing that can be seen... meant it - thank you
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